Variables in this Dataset

b: Array of 8 bit Bytes [null = 0..1][null = 0..2][null = 0..3]
b2: Array of 8 bit Bytes [null = 0..1][null = 0..2]
i32: Array of 32 bit Integers [null = 0..1][null = 0..2][null = 0..3]
ui32: Array of 32 bit Unsigned Integers [null = 0..1][null = 0..2][null = 0..3][null = 0..2][null = 0..1]
i16: Array of 16 bit Integers [null = 0..1][null = 0..1][null = 0..1]
ui16: Array of 16 bit Unsigned Integers [null = 0..1][null = 0..1][null = 0..1]
f32: Array of 32 bit Reals [null = 0..1][null = 0..1][null = 0..1]
f64: Array of 64 bit Reals [null = 0..1][null = 0..1][null = 0..1]
s0: Array of Strings [null = 0..3][null = 0..4][null = 0..5]
s1: Array of Strings [null = 0..9][null = 0..9][null = 0..9]
u: Array of URLs [null = 0..9][null = 0..9][null = 0..9]

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